Friday, January 27, 2006

I inveigled the folks to my blog thingy

Holy batman and gatman, awesome new word of the day, from this article: inveigle.

Main Entry: in·vei·gle
Pronunciation: in-'vA-g&l sometimes -'vE-
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): in·vei·gled; in·vei·gling /-g(&-)li[ng]/
Etymology: Anglo-French enveegler, alteration of Middle French aveugler to blind, hoodwink, from Old French avogler, from avogle blind, from Medieval Latin ab oculis, literally, lacking eyes
1 : to win over by wiles : ENTICE
2 : to acquire by ingenuity or flattery

Craziness. I suggest you use it liberally.


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