Sunday, April 23, 2006

So, are you gonna be my girl?

Yes, cheesy as it is, I actually said those words, asked the question and made this whole thing somewhat official. Saying it's so doesn't make coming to terms with what it means any easier though. I nearly choked last night when I said words, "this is my girlfriend" aloud for what is probably the first time in my life. For the record, two girls in the past have called me boyfriend, both for a total period of less than five months and neither of whom spent much time around my friends (one because I really didn't care that much for her, and the other because we were dating when I was in a city where I knew no one). So Flint's in a relationship. If you've been reading this here blog because you enjoyed my sufferings in the dating world, you may want to stop reading now. Or you might keep reading actually, because there are no guarantees that I'm out of the woods. You've by now gathered that I've no previous experience with this whole relationship business. If you read the previous post, you also know that my fine hunting instincts have made me into the sort of hound dog that is unable to stop sniffing. (It occurs to me that the previous sentence may make no sense at all and that I really ought to take a basic writing class again. Nevertheless we must forge on.)

It's a funny thing. You are born. You're a dork. You slowly come to a realization of this fact and decide it is unacceptable. You learn to dress yourself in clothes your mum did not pick out, learn a few funnies and teach yourself to flirt. You make the standard errors of college dating and emerge, emotionally scarred and unsuccesful on the other side of that experience. But you are a trooper, and so you keep at it, watching Bogart and McQueen movies as if straining to absorb some of their charisma through the dull LCD of your laptop screen. You improve your mind, do a few push ups, mind your manners and try generally to become the sort of person that it's not too embarassing to be seen with in public. I'll note here that I may not have succeeded in all of this. However, at least one person thinks I haven't done too bad. Friggin sweet. Now what?

Well before I go into what, I must address something. You might be thinking to yourself here: "what's the big deal? He ain't the first dude to ever go into a relationship. Why must we subjected to every single moment of the process? Will he be writing about the sex as well? I give the whole shebangy three weeks" To this I answer that, well, you needn't be subjected to anything you don't want to be subjected to. And secondly, it's pretty major for me anyway, so I shall be as giddy and introspective on this as I cann possibly be. And yes, I may write about the sex. Finally, it has been more than three weeks already so there, and please don't go jinxing me.

Onto the now what. Well, details of this relationship must be negotiated. Luckily, I've landed a lady with whom communication is not a problem. I asked her directly what she wanted from a relationship, a question which seemed to take her completely by surprise. After some hesistation and thought, she asked for a moment to think and asked what I wanted in the meantime. I said companionship and not dependency, continued possesion of my personality, support and friendship, and of course mind blowing and frequent sex. Obviously I've thought about this a little bit. She agreed with all of that and got into the spirit of things. She doesn't want to be a less interesting person cause she's in a relationship. She also thinks the other person ought to make you better than you were alone, both points I definitely approve of.

And that's about as far as we've gone thus far. There are still issues that must be broached. I asked how she'd rate herself in terms of sexual adventurousness, an entirely self-serving question on the answer of which much will rest. And there is still that small matter of the complication, who I've intended to write about, but have not quite got to just yet. Stay tuned, more to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

she seems perfect?? for you that is... hmmm...

3:35 PM  
Blogger Viviane said...

How lovely you two have found each other.

6:30 PM  

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