Saturday, August 26, 2006

Give me a lady in the street and a freak in the bed, and not necessarily in one body

I live in a bad romantic comedy. Two women, one man, too many close encounters. The two women are the same as before, Opera Girl and The Tall Blonde. They know of each other, one has even seen me with the other, twice. That was certainly awkward. No they did not meet. Opera Girl swallowed her discomfort and each time allowed the moment to pass without her doing anything impetuous to further complicate things. Still I would give things I value to prevent a third occurence of this situation.

There have been good times, some very good times even. Between the two women I have interesting conversation, a late, late night dinner partner, concern for my welfare, sex that is frankly astonishing and some experiences I would not otherwise pursue by myself but I've enjoyed very much (trip to six flags with a bunch of adults anyone? It's surprisingly fun.) Let's not forget a companion to take to the raft of weddings I've got this year - half a guess which of the girls gets that invite.

Is it worth it? Perhaps. I find myself still longing for something that actually works in itself, rather than two halves that somehow don't make a whole. Since I clarified with both women, with their full concurrence, that we were not right for each other in real relationships but could perhaps find things to keep us interested in each other, I've basically been free to get back on the market and look for such a thing, while maintaining the current arrangement. Of course, with two women demanding my time, and heavily at that, there's been little time or energy left for such a thing.

It's not a tenable situation. Something will have to give at some point, but it's fine for the moment.


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