Skinny hipster threat
I think that'd be a great name for a band, connoting many different aspects and dangers of the current hipster ethos. Are the actually a threat? To whom? Themselves? Society? The American way of life? Rational people the world over? Non-hipster folk who just want to drink their whisky in peace? Tonight anyway, at least one member of that final group wasn't too pleased with their presence, at least the male ones. Skinny hipster girls are always awesome, as are not so skinny hipster girls and not quite hipster but still very cute girls. Nevertheless, it was yet another evening when I wondered if it was worth putting on three layers of very think clothing, seperating myself from my very pleasant home and taking two trains to hang in locales where I felt somewhat uncomfortable and returning home without one interesting conversation logged. Must be more creative in planning my evenings, and fire my wingman, whose responsibilty tonight was.
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