Friday, February 10, 2006

I can't get no satisfaction

I need the company of new people. I'm bored by most of the people in my life currently, most importantly the best friend. It's a bit strange to grow bored of a friend, particularly one with whom you have had so many drunken adventures. It's not my fault he refuses to grow the fuck up though. New people, new people. You interesting? I'll hang out with you. My whole crew needs refreshing. I've got a fairly interesting group of people who come to my parties and who I can go to concerts with. Overall they're somewhat straightlaced though, leaving me with little outlet for the debauchery I ought to be engaging in when living in New York City in my 20's. Actually, this is what's funny. I get irritated, like steaming mad and ready to knock him out, at the best friend for tryinng to pressure me into having a drink when I don't want one, and then I look for people to engage in debauchery with me. Life's strange that way.

Anyway, like one of those fools who declare that they are going to be married within a year, I declared that I would be in a relationship before Summer rolls around. Here's my logic. I'm pretty much at the most attractive I will ever be in my life (independent of one day becoming Bill Gates wealthy). I did alright with women in college, but I still had to do all of the work. These days, I get asked out by more women than I asked out, pretty cool women too. There've been a couple lately that things could have worked out with but for a few small but crucial issues (distance, twice; differing life stages, things like that). So I figure I simply have to keep meeting people, not have any distracting women around (like say, the Brazilian, who leaves at the end of March) and try not to get afoul of Cupid. Haha, listen to me. Come Summer, I'll probably be awash in fuck buddies and random dates with people I'm only marginally interested in. Story of my life.

Thing is, I've always known exactly what I wanted. I suppose at some point, I may not have been the person I needed to be to get that, but it amazes how much that I don't want I've accepted for so long. Here it is pretty simply. I want someone smart, intense and interesting, and able to deal with and accept who I am. I can be scarily intense, both very introverted and a complete party monster. Point blank, I can't deal with weak women. We all have issues and the reason you put up with someone else's flaws is so they are supportive of you when you need to deal with yours, but I can't date anyone who isn't strong enough to take on the world on a daily basis. Superficially, I like tall and I like pretty. What can I say, I need someone pretty enough that I don't feel the need to look elsewhere. On a slightly related note, do you know who this really, really, ridiculously good looking woman is? I picture me and this person making beautiful, beautiful music (take that metaphor as you will) and taking moonlit walks on the beach and you know the rest of this spiel. If you do know this person, please make introductions. I promise I'm fairly sane in real life and if things worked out between us, I wouldn't have to write any more posts like this. Anyway, I was detailing what I'd like in a woman I'd date. Well, being a woman is key. If I was ever into it, I'm now done dating girls. Why don't I want to date girls? Well, let's see. I met two girls outside a bar the other evening. We spoke as we made our way in, and then broke apart while they went to dance on the stage. When the bar got closed down by the cops for overcrowding, we met outside again and walked and talked for a bit. At the end of it, I ask the one I'm obviously interested in if she'd like to get together sometime, careful to be polite to both but obvious as to where my interest lay. And she gave me a fake number. A fake number? What are we, three years old and playing in the sand box? Here are a few possible responses for people who ask for you number that you aren't interested in:
a. No, it's been fun, but no.
b. Sorry, I'm not interested.
c. Maybe we'll run into each other again.
d. No but I'm flattered you asked
e. No

Any of the above is a pretty damn adult way of dealing with a polite request. People who are unable to handle that should not be allowed to socialize with grownups. The only time giving out a fake number is acceptable is if you're dealing with an overly persistent asshole you need to get away from. Anyway, things like that are the reason I can't deal with girls anymore. And I think this post is rambly to the point of incoherence, so at this point, I will bring it to an end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm, I made the same decision.. I decided that not only will I be in a 'serious' relationship, I will be happy... and most importantly not have to compromise myself in the process. I'm lined up for a shit load of dates.. so fingers crossed erh??
I am probably not ur type.. but err, I am 5'10! lol... tOO bad I'm not in NY anymore! lol..
Girl in pic is hot...
Good luck.. finding a 'half' is an exremely hard task, especially if you refuse to settle.


10:57 PM  

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